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Sales of physical dolls soar as epidemic period leads to 'world of two'

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"Everyone was caught off guard and thrown into limbo without distinction. The "dolls" were brought home as silent companions, a solace to the loneliness of many and a tool to combat fear during the days of the virus.


After placing his order, middle-aged programmer Li Jiulu was caught up in the anticipation. He chased customer service again and again at night: has my doll been shipped yet?<o:p></o:p>

The pictures on the details page of the physical dolls made him want to see them, with their soft limbs, bent into seductive poses, long hair like clouds, thin, pointed faces, eyes half-closed, red lips with tiny teeth showing - a natural beauty.<o:p></o:p>

A week later, the doll arrived, but not in the charming form he had expected - the long cardboard box was heavier than he had expected, like a humble coffin. When he pried it open, he was shocked: wrapped in layers of foam, lay a naked, headless body, white, cold and lifeless. Lee, a photography enthusiast, "didn't like the straightforwardness of it" and his first reaction was to return it. But Lee continued to poke around in the box for a while and finally pulled a head out of the bottom.<o:p></o:p>

Li's doll came from Dongguan in early spring, when the city, known for its processing trade, was in a gloomy mood. A short video blogger had visited Dongguan's industrial zone after the Lunar New Year. At 5pm, the doors of restaurants, internet cafes and employment agencies were closed along the main road. On the main road, the trucks that had been rumbling across the road all day had disappeared.<o:p></o:p>

But Li Zhaeru, and doll buyers from around the world, have injected unexpected energy into the physical doll industry, which is not a major industry in Dongguan. It is clear to everyone in the industry that the first half of the year was not promotional and was considered a slow season, with manufacturers building up momentum waiting for the 618 and Double Eleven opportunities. However, data from Speedy Sales show that the export volume of adult products has increased by nearly 50% year-on-year so far this year, with physical dolls doubling year-on-year.<o:p></o:p>

Those most visual increases appear on the online shop's customer service messaging page - one physical doll e-commerce customer service told me how she used to be able to clear her head for a while in the afternoon, and the page was even more silent when she left work at 2am. But this year, for the 10 hours I'm at work each day, the ding-dong is almost constant. When she wakes up at six or seven in the morning, she opens her phone and sees new messages pop up, messages from buyers between 2am and 6am.<o:p></o:p>

These sleep-deprived people, often alone, spend the late nights and early hours of the morning searching for pictures of dolls, viewing their faces and asking about body size and weight. The questions from newcomers could not be easier to discern, "How does this doll actually work? Does it work?" People are drawn to the charming pictures, wanting to get their hands on them but fearing that the crude product is not the right one.<o:p></o:p>

Growth also appears on the shelves of thousands of square metres of warehouses. Guo Jian, the owner of Dongguan-based physical doll company Love Beauty, had shelves full of similar long cardboard boxes. After the Chinese New Year, he saw that the boxes would be one layer shorter every day, and the iron shelves would be empty for a few blocks. They had recruited 30 or 40 extra staff - already not small in the industry, now almost double the original size - and were still understaffed. Guo Jian's safety stock was 2,000 dolls, and all that empty space was tantamount to missed money, which made him nervous.<o:p></o:p>

Workers began working overtime. A foreman who had been doing this for five years hitchhiked back to Dongguan on 10 February with a hitchhiker from her hometown. She and her workers went to work at 8am and rushed until 10pm, with only a half-hour break for lunch, and some were so eager that they even returned to their workstations in 15 minutes. Workers get piece-rate wages, skilled hands can earn 10 to 20,000 a month, "can do one more, do one more."<o:p></o:p>

In the Aizumi ironing workshop, white, wheat-coloured semi-finished products are lying on the board, human-shaped "bodies" without heads, full breasts, flat bellies and straight long legs, with every curve beyond human perfection. The woman holds a 500 degree hot tube heater and sweeps it over the doll's body. The steam ironing gives the doll's skin a lustrous sheen, slightly sticky to the touch, like touching jelly. The female workers skillfully turn these heavy bodies, their faces masked to hide their expressions.<o:p></o:p>

Dolls on the flow line Photo: Oriental IC<o:p></o:p>

In previous years, the business of dolls has not been very prosperous. During the Chinese New Year, one of Guo Jian's distributors had already backed out, debating whether to close his two online shops. A few months later, the distributor said he went to "Love Beauty" for tea, so he took a look around the factory. Seeing the boxes stacked in the warehouse and the workers busy, as an insider, he could see that business was really booming at the moment. Not only did he not back off, but the distributor opened two more shops to take advantage of the situation and "make it bigger".<o:p></o:p>

By April, not only were domestic orders increasing, but Guo Jian's overseas warehouses in the US and Europe were also starting to run out of stock. He has to arrange several times a month to replenish overseas warehouses, but such replenishment can only be done according to capacity, "we can't make the goods now, so each time only thirty, fifty to go out." What took over a month to sell last year sold out in ten days by June this year, and if logistics hadn't fully returned to normal, "it would probably have sold even more."<o:p></o:p>

It's easy to tell these exported products apart in the ironing workshop; the domestic dolls are snow-white skinned, slender and with soft lines. The dolls that have to travel far and wide have wheatish skin, with both slender figures and the exact opposite kind, with breasts like two small volleyballs, or the taste of the old erotic magazine Penthouse, "so big that you'll feel a bit strange." Guo Jian says with a laugh.<o:p></o:p>

The shape may be different, they have many types and styles, we can choose according to how we like to look, if you like Japanese culture then choose Japanese sex dolls, if you like to watch anime then choose anime sex dolls, but there is no difference at the core, for the increase in doll sales during the epidemic, a senior waifu is not surprised: "During the epidemic, who doesn't go out, stays at home and is trapped like a living prison. Can't date, can't fall in love. So buying a physical doll is definitely the best option.<o:p></o:p>

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