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The sex robot (doll) that "you" have been waiting for, it's finally here!

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"No, it's no different from prostitution in nature, but it's not hygienic, even dirtier than people, and people can refuse to go condomless, but not dolls." When I tried to share the recent hot video about the "Ai Ai Le" silicone doll experience shop to a senior "little man", I got this answer from him.<o:p></o:p>

"People can go to the doctor, cure, the doll has no problem that is who uses who knows, this thing depends on the owner's 'conscience', I also saw the news in the past two days, there are reports that some shops are not cleaned, so definitely will not go."<o:p></o:p>

But whether you go or not, "silicone dolls experience hall" has begun to silently in the "everywhere bloom".<o:p></o:p>

About the "sex" business, their perceptions are different<o:p></o:p>

According to online information, there are currently a large number of "adult experience museums" in Shenzhen, Nanjing, Jinhua and other places, which actually provide adult sexual services with "silicone dolls".<o:p></o:p>

As a "senior" player, the 32-year-old Lin San's attitude towards the "silicone doll experience hall" is very clear: "No". In addition to the above-mentioned hygiene issues, "privacy" is also one of the reasons why Lin San refused, "this kind of intimate toys, at home to play with their own, just like I have a plane cup, wash it for you to use you will use? It's not the same thing as a real person."<o:p></o:p>

Sex toys, silicone doll concept in fact years ago in foreign countries has been very hot, earlier "Harmony", "Roxy" popular in overseas markets, such as "Harmony" is by the United States Abyss Creations company in 2017 launched the world's first "into the artificial intelligence of silicone dolls", has now experienced several upgrades.<o:p></o:p>

Abyss Creations founder McMullen started selling his own dolls in 1997 and has since been featured on major TV shows and has even been involved in many TV and film productions.<o:p></o:p>

Surprisingly, compared to the overseas 'sex' industry, domestic companies are 'quiet' but not at all 'quiet' in what they do.<o:p></o:p>

Previously, data showed that Chinese companies produced 70% of the world's total production of erotic toys, with over 3,000 factories, are constantly delivering products to the world.<o:p></o:p>

But for the average domestic consumer, whether it's IDOLL, WM doll, BEILEQING, or PINZI,

The domestic "silicone dolls" are priced from a few hundred to tens of thousands of dollars, such as the owner of "Ai Ai Le", Li Bo, who said that the basic "purchase price" of their shop is around 10,000 RMB.<o:p></o:p>

In the article "China's first silicone doll experience shop" published by the public number "A", there is a case where "a $280 inflatable doll, the cheapest model, was purchased by six workers in the same dormitory and used in turn. taking turns to use it."<o:p></o:p>

So, the "shared silicone doll experience shop" single payment model seems to be effective in reducing the cost of use for migrant workers and seems promising, but at 200 RMB per hour of experience, is it really cheap?<o:p></o:p>

Another "playful" person, He Si, told Smart Relativity: "200 yuan an hour? Are migrant workers still the ones spending money? I don't know about the local situation in Shenzhen, but on our side, a decent spa is more than 300 yuan, not a full set of course, but at least it's a live human being, better than a doll, right?"<o:p></o:p>

It's true that the physical needs of migrant workers have always been "just a need". Some years ago, the journal China Sexual Science published the first domestic report on migrant workers' sexuality by Zhang Wenwei, deputy director of the Health Bureau of Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province, in which 15.82% of the 800 people he surveyed had received sexual services from "ladies", 24.53% had sex outside of marriage, and 23.9% of migrant workers from other countries had As many as 64.71% of them had sexual repression and 64.71% of them had bad feelings and alternative behaviours.<o:p></o:p>

On the topic of migrant workers' sexual needs, He Si also has his own views, "I was previously in Guangdong is living near this kind of industrial area, the look should not see, have seen a lot, but also with these migrant workers exchange, according to my understanding, the real migrant workers consumption at most will not exceed 100, sometimes in some remote lanes or under the bridge, there is a group of grades more of the big The 'lost girl' they have a unified name called 'touch', the price 20-50 yuan ranging, this is a migrant workers consumption category, 200 yuan an hour experience shop, that really can only be 'experience experience '"<o:p></o:p>

In the end, the pick may be no pick, but with high prices and a mismatched service experience (obviously silicone dolls won't have any services to offer), it's really hard to say if silicone doll experience shops can really be the supply side of migrant workers' sexual needs.<o:p></o:p>

As far as public opinion is concerned, although opinions vary, the majority of voices believe that "while the intentions are good, the results may not be as good as they could be."<o:p></o:p>

Sex robots, is there a way out in the country?<o:p></o:p>

The "silicone doll" can also be upgraded to a more "advanced" version, the "sex robot", and the "Harmony The "Harmony" is also considered to be the "world's first sex robot".<o:p></o:p>

Over the years, the robotics industry has seen a boom in both industrial robots and service robots in the domestic market, but there has been little noise about 'sex robots'.<o:p></o:p>

On the one hand, as long as the topic of 'sex' is concerned, it is a 'sensitive' one in China, and there is not enough openness in the mind or industry to accept it 'openly'. On the other hand, sex robots don't seem to be hitting the domestic market either.<o:p></o:p>

In overseas markets, however, sex robots have long been a "secret".<o:p></o:p>

According to foreign media reports, Hamony's market sales increased by at least 50% during this year's new crown epidemic. In response to this surge, they believe that "if users used to only think about it, they are now more open to it, and the self-imposed isolation during the epidemic has made them feel more isolated and ultimately make the choice".<o:p></o:p>

Exdoll, mentioned earlier, is one of the better known manufacturers of 'sex robots' in China, and it has been reported in the media that Exdoll is now producing more than 400 personalised sex robots every month, with the standard model costing RMB 25,000.<o:p></o:p>

This is not a high price compared to Hamony, but 20,000 is not bad for the domestic consumer market, and the fact that the company is a domestic industry leader with a production volume of 400 units per month speaks volumes about how niche this market is in the country at the moment.<o:p></o:p>

In addition, compared to the focus on male demand, perhaps women's demand can become a more explosive point in the industry, in 2018, "Intelligent Relativity" has published "more than just emotionally vulnerable, male robot companion is becoming a boon for women", which mentioned that "at present, the ratio of men to women in the domestic adult products market is about In other words, the proportion of women buying adult products is about 37%, with young white-collar women as the main consumers."<o:p></o:p>

Compared to men's 'diverse' choices, women's demand is clearly more dependent on related products.<o:p></o:p>

In the European and American 'hormonal' markets, women account for 70% of all purchases, but this figure in China is still very 'conservative' compared to overseas markets (over 50% of women are still unacceptable), and in the face of a nearly With a consumer market of nearly a trillion dollars, perhaps the companies involved can take a chance?<o:p></o:p>

David Levy, a British author and computer scientist, has predicted that "by 2050 there will be mass development of human-robot marriages."<o:p></o:p>

Still, as the author of "More than the emotionally vulnerable, male robot companions are becoming a boon for women" says, "Unless sex robots can become like in Westworld, the 'human-robot bond' is just a mere fantasy."<o:p></o:p>

In conclusion<o:p></o:p>

Whether or not "silicone doll shops" are, or can be, able to meet the "sexual" needs of migrant workers is something that we, as outsiders, really can't say enough about; it's the users themselves who have the most say.<o:p></o:p>

However, from an industry perspective, do shared 'silicone dolls' have a future? When the sharing economy was all the rage, shared umbrellas, shared kitchens and even shared wardrobes were all over the place, but in the end they all died, so can shared silicone dolls find an outlet? A person engaged in the relevant industry said in an interview "we firmly believe that there is a market for this thing, and the prerequisite is also very clear, that is, good regulation and testing, 'sex' demand is just demand, once was and always will be."<o:p></o:p>

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