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How to fix your sex dolls

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By Abby News,Sex Doll Care Life-size sex dolls,Love dolls,Sex dolls 0 comments

What do I do if my beautiful sex doll gets damaged? Can my injured doll be repaired? Don't worry, your injured love doll has a chance to recover and continue playing with you. If your doll is only slightly damaged, then you can do some simple sex doll repairs yourself. A small wound can turn into a large one in a very short time. We describe some simple repairs below.<o:p></o:p>

- Cleaning your sex doll<o:p></o:p>

Remove all hair, dust, threads or anything that doesn't belong there. Clean the surface with warm water and plain soap. Once clean, wipe off any damaged skin with a clean towel/cloth and dry any residual moisture thoroughly.<o:p></o:p>

- Prepare everything beforehand<o:p></o:p>

Everything you need must be prepared before you start the restoration process. Use a clean surface or table to work on and wear gloves to protect your hands. With sex dolls you will be using glue, so waiting too long is not recommended.<o:p></o:p>

- Leave the damaged part in its natural position.<o:p></o:p>

To prevent the glue from running out of the doll's wound, it is best to place the injured part horizontally. You will also need to find a position where you can easily keep the torn sides together so that the sides are as horizontal as possible, for about 2 minutes.<o:p></o:p>

- Applying glue to the damaged part<o:p></o:p>

Open the TPE glue container and dip a toothpick or cocktail stick into the glue. (Try to avoid excess water droplets hanging on the end of the stick). Put the cap back on the plastic bottle to prevent the solvent from evaporating. Rub the toothpick on the inside of the crack, on both sides of the inside. Press gently on both sides of the crack to keep the sides level. Use a paper towel or clean cloth to wipe away any excess squeezed out of the damaged area. (Remember not to use your fingers as this will leave fingerprints on the surface of the doll).<o:p></o:p>

Holding the slit, push the two sides together and press the dissolved TPE side onto the TPE sheet. Keep the two sides together for at least 2 minutes or until you can no longer smell the solvent in the damaged area. You can blow into the damaged area to help evaporate the glue. Relax your hand and wait about a few hours for the glue to dry. Small cracks can quickly become large cracks if not repaired in time. Once a crack has appeared, it should be repaired as soon as possible.<o:p></o:p>

If you want to learn more about sex dolls you can go to lovedollshops.coms where you can not only learn what you want to learn, you can also learn more about dolls on there, there are major brands of sex dolls on there such as wm doll, piper doll, yl doll and many more, I am sure you will find them on I am sure you will have a whole new understanding of dolls on there<o:p></o:p>

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